Online Yoga Courses

Due to many gyms and yoga studios being closed a lot of people are turning to online yoga courses. I too have been looking online for classes and/or tutorials on yoga so I thought I would share a few of them on here. Some of them are free and others you pay per class or monthly just like you would at a studio. If you used to go to a gym or studio call them to see if they offer video classes as well.


  1. Plus Size Yoga for Beginners
  2. Gaia Online Yoga Experience
  3. My Vinyasa Practice
  4. Yogi Approved
  5. My Yoga Works
  6. Gentle Yoga for Bigger Bodies
  7. Yoga With Adriene

Do you know of any other online yoga courses? Please list them below in the comments.

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Dealing With Another’s Negative Vibration

I recently saw this Abraham Hicks quote and me made me think of something that happened to me awhile back which really helped me change the way I think about my relationships with others.

Nothing is more debilitating than to care about something you can’t do anything about. And you can’t do anything about your adult children. You can want better for them, and maybe even begin to provide something for them, but in the long run, you cannot do anything about someone else’s vibration other than hold them in the best light you can, mentally, and then project that to them. And sometimes, distance makes that much more possible than being up close to them.


Excerpted from: Ashland, OR on July 19, 2003

Our Love,
Esther (and Abraham and Jerry)

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People That Inspire Me

I thought it would be a fun activity to share some of my favorite people that inspire me – they inspired me to live a better life, to do better, to dive deep and so much more. This was a very fun post to put together and I hope something posted here will inspire one of you as well.

I realize the more I act on things that inspire me, the more often I get inspired. I am a strong believer in the quote “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” and when I am in a state of readiness so much helpful information comes to me.

Now this is not a complete list as I find people that inspire me all the time but these are the ones that are off the top of my head. I have included (and will continue to include) some of my favorite posts, quotes, videos, podcasts and so on from them.

Gala Darling

How to get unstuck


Wayne Dyer

Daily inspiration and quotes

Louise Hay


Mike Dooley of

30 Positive Thoughts to Start Your Day

4 Tips for Starting a Visualization Practice

Be sure to get the Notes From The Universe emails for a wonderful daily note that makes you think about your life in a different way each and every day.

Gabby Bernstein

How to Meditate Regularly (and Get Back on Track with Your Practice)

Maria Forleo

10 Must Read Books to Unlock Your Creative Genius

Abraham Hicks

Danielle Laporte

Remedies for inner energy stagnation. Immunity from the inside out.

Refuse to worry (and how to be more useful for your friends)

Dani Dipirro of

Dani has a wonderful website. I have been visiting for sometime now. There are always so many great gems. Positively Present Picks which includes a lovely quotes of the week, a bunch of Dani’s favorite links, books she is reading and one of my absolutely favorites… her playlists you can check them out YouTube here. I have discovered so many great songs and artists thanks to her. Here are some of my favorite posts from her: 6 Ways to Shake Things Up

What/who inspires you? Let us know in the comments.

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Listening to Divine Guidance

I noticed that when I am really grounded – doing meditation, reading and listening to things that inspire and motivate me – I can hear Source whisper . Some may call it divine guidance.

The deeper I go into my spiritual journey and the more awake I feel; the more open to little hints I am. I believe that God, Source, The Universe, Spirit – whatever you prefer to call it – for myself first it speaks in whispers and if I am in trouble those whispers become “louder.” It may not be a voice – it may be something physical like stubbing my toe or a traffic jam. Things that will really get my attention in some way.

For me if it is a traffic jam and I am running late I know that I have been creating this with my thoughts and feelings. Even through the frustration I try to re-focus on more positive thoughts and ask for guidance. I was once told you are never late, you are always right on time. I had been running late and apologized profusely for it – they reminded me that even though I was late I still had to wait there for about 5 minutes to be called in so these things just happen for a reason at times. I could have technically been 5 more minutes late and been “right on time”.

When you “hear” this divine guidance it is best to act right away. It will often give you advice on what to do next. It may motivate you to change something about your life. It may “show” you that sign that you have been asking for. If the divine guidance feels good when you get it just imagine how you will feel once you go through with what they are wishing for you. Source knows exactly what you wish for and need in every moment but it is our job to really listen (and act on it if there is a push to act).

What have you heard/experienced lately that was a wake up call to you?

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Listen Up: Podcasts on Spirituality, Conscious Living, Manifesting and More!

Though I consider myself more of a visual learner, I have been listening to more Podcasts lately and I recently came across some on spirituality and conscious living

Experiment With The Idea Podcast on Crystals

Gala Darling

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Mental Health and Spirituality

Dealing with mental health issues can be done in a variety of ways. If you are a religious person you may turn to your pastor and/or prayer. If you consider yourself a more spiritual person you may turn to guidance through spiritual groups or guidance through meditation. There is not right or wrong way to do it – it is just important that you do. Your mental health is important and something you should take seriously.

Personally I have been having some mental health issues and working through them from the religious and spiritual angle has helped in many ways. I have said many prayers as well as meditated on mental health and self care many times. I continue to receive guidance from the unknown and it has helped to ease some of the anxiety I have been having. I have been having a lot of anxiety and depression and sought out help from a mental health provider. I started on medication that has helped many of the symptoms, however, I do not completely feel like myself again.

Aside from praying and meditating (which I stopped to do as I was writing this), I have been repeating mantras to myself as well as writing them down. Turning my focus to that and away from the stress, anxiety and depression has helped me to get out of funk on many occassions. If you are suffering from some mental health issues I would highly suggest to find or create some mantras that help you to focus on the positive. The best way for me to repeat my mantras is to get in the most positive frame of mind that I can or else I just feel like I am saying a lie to myself over and over again. It may be difficult but find those moments where you are feeling good and that is the perfect time to repeat your mantra. Even when you aren’t feeling so good you can have one like “Things are continuing to get better for me” or “Everything is working out for me” to healp ease your mind a bit.

Another thing that has helped me is to rest. For me taking a break and resting is self care. Not the type of rest where I stay in bed for days in a depressive episode but a rest where I set the intention to just quiet my mind and relax. I don’t even have to fall asleep, I just have to quiet my mind a bit and lay there with my eyes closed. If you are having anxiety or racing thoughts it may not be as easy to do this but when you can find a moment I would suggest you take it and do some self care. If that means writing or reading, a hot bath or dip in the pool, relaxing or sleeping – take that moment when you find it and take care of YOU.

What are some things that have helped you to ease your anxiety, depression or other mental health issues? Let us know in the comments.

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