4 Ways to Open Yourself Up to Love

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

The quote above really touched me at the core. We often look for love, wait for love and/or hope for love. We know it just has to be out there – we have seen others experience it or we have experienced it ourselves in the past. We look for it (sometimes in the “wrong” places or from the “wrong” people), yet are we really open to receiving it? I know for myself there was a long period of time in my life when I longed and hoped for love, yet I know (now) that I wasn’t prepared for it. I waved a wand of want for love but had a wall built up that prevented it from coming in. Since then I have learned and loved (and found love) several times. Here are 4 ways to open yourself up to love.

4 Ways to Open Yourself Up to Love

1.Find the love you are looking for IN you

Yes – you have to find the love within you to find the love within someone else. Start doing small things that make you feel joy and feel loved. Do romantic gestures for yourself that you would want to receive from someone else. Date yourself – figure out what you love about YOU. Find what is in you that needs to be surrounded by love and pour love into it.

2. Break down your walls

Some people do not even realize that they have walls built up. They could have been built when they were children or formed while they were adults living through heartache and pain. It is okay to have boundaries, however, if you have a wall so tough to break through you will never be able to let someone in and be vulnerable with them.

3. Meditate and/or pray about it

When you go to the divine, the universe, to God things will start opening up for you. Ask for guidance. Ask for a sign. Ask for whatever you think will show you and help you feel love.

4. Start dating

I mentioned about to start dating yourself. Sometimes that is the best way to start. Once you have that down start dating others as well. Go on simple dates to begin with – you can even have group dates with friends. Ask each of them to bring a single friend with them and you can all have at least one person in common to avoid the awkwardness of first dates. If you’re really brave have someone set you up with someone that they think is a match with you – you never know what you may discover in trying new things and meeting new people.

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Winks From the Universe: Ebb and Flow

Tomorrow is my birthday. It is usually a time for great celebration, however, I have been sick in bed with a cold/ cough and sinuses issues with body aches and fever. I didn’t even get to really celebrate Independence Day this year. It feels like I am on the tail end of the cold so maybe I will arise tomorrow refreshed.

Physically I have not been doing well and emotionally it has been a bit of a roller coaster as well. Spiritually however, things have been great for the most part. I feel like I am gaining a lot of momentum (see: energy) at high speeds almost too much to capture and really get to settle into. Even during this time of being physically sick I have been getting inspirational ideas, thoughts and motivation – only those which I know come from my connection to source, the Universe, God/Spirit.

In the past couple of weeks the energy around me has been feeling very interesting. About a month or so ago it felt stagnant with no movement. Empty almost – for lack of a better word. More recently I have been having a lot of AHA! moments. Much synchronicity. I have seen the right messages at the right time. I have been seeing my favorite numbers everywhere. I have met people that make things connect the dots on certain aspects of my life. I have been getting what I like to call winks from the universe. Those moments in time in which you feel like the universe is nodding its head and saying “yes, keep going – you are on the right path.”

When I get these winks from the universe I know that something big is about to happen. It doesn’t necessarily mean big as in size but big as in momentum. Big as in change. Big as in I have been preparing for this for awhile and once it occurs it may stir things up but once it settles I will cozy myself into it.

For awhile I have been feeling myself falling into old patterns and my decline in mental clarity provided proof of that. I was also having random moments of insomnia which I hadn’t been experiencing for quite some time. Due to this I have been working on my physical health and overall well being a lot recently. I started working out and try to pick better food options. I have been trying to work on my mental health as well. Just overall the whole package.

Once I became committed the Universe put things into place so that I could start training with a coach at a price I could afford. I found great prices on clothes and shoes to start working out in because I had to get new running shoes and more recently I had to replace my running spandex because I lost weight so they were falling off my body as I ran. I also continued to receive positive feedback from friends, family and even strangers. It was again winks from the universe to keep going.

As I’ve been recovering from this cold and sinus issue I have been doing a lot of thinking. One thing I realized is I had told myself “I really wish I could just take a week of from work and relax” – so what happened? I got sick and been off from work nearly a week. I need to be more careful about what I put out there – I often get it.

Aside from that realization I have also been thinking a lot about the things I have been putting on the back burner for far too long – my blogging and writing, my beauty business and my decision to continue my education. Between coughing, sneezing, using up a whole box of tissue and sleeping I have had many moments in between where I have been inspired and moved to pick up a notepad and write everything down that spirit is feeding to me.

I love those moments, however, I realized the moment I had the other evening was a lot of downloading. It was partial channeled writing and partial brain dump of all the “stuff” that has just been sitting in my mind for months (and some even years). It was such a rush at the time and felt great when the energy slowed but then it felt like I had went on a hike or something so I had to go and lay my head down to process everything.

I have been noticing that in the past couple of days especially the winks from the universe have increased significantly everyday and I have been getting messages to stay on course. When this type of energy builds up I have those moments where I hold my breath because I’m not sure what is going to happen but recently I have been getting this feeling (and the messages affirm this) that good is coming. What I have been longing for is coming into fruition. I am loving all of theses winks from the universe. I am ready for this expansion. I am ready for this major growth towards good.

I am posting this without editing at this time as I feel that this is how it should be shared. Raw and untouched, just as it came flowing out of me this morning. I may be back at another time to go ahead and edit it and move paragraphs around, add headings and all that jazz but I hope you enjoyed this read and take this as your own wink from the universe.

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In the Darkest Hours

*peeks out*
**takes a deep breath**
I’m here. I really am HERE. I know it has been a very long time since I have published something here. Trust me – there are many drafts sitting here waiting to be completed and published but I have been exhausted. I have sat down several times to write… something… anything… to share what I have been going through – the good and the not so good. But I end up stumped. I will write a few words (or even paragraphs) and I just feel tired, sluggish and unmotivated.

My mind, body and spirit has felt a heavy weight for awhile now. With several deaths in my family over the past year and a half along side other personal defeats I have felt like I continue to fall down a never ending tunnel of muck. What I do know however is that when this happens to me I often go through a phase of renewal and growth. I find strength. I find teachers. I find myself peeling back or shedding the “old” me.

This often comes when I do what I have been doing lately – being still. Whether it is through meditation or just sitting there, eyes closed and listening. I release all the pressure, stress and frustration. All the anger and sadness. I just sit and be still. Sometimes I ask for divine guidance and sometimes I just listen because I know there is always a faint whisper of what to do next.

The past couple of days have been a struggle for me and I am drained on every level. Two people in my family passed away a year after my father passed away. I have been waking up nearly every morning at 4:11am. The first couple of mornings I felt annoyed because I haven’t been getting restful sleep in general with the full moon. But I started listening to my intuition and letting spirit guide me. I realize that I need to pay attention to the synchronocity of this particular time (numbers).

I have been allowing myself to rest. Drink plenty of water. Research what the numbers 411 represent and have been pleasantly surprised. I usually see 111 or 1111 more so it was interesting to see the relation 411 has to paying attention to creative aspects of my life. I have always felt I had an artistic and creative side but never allowed it to fully develop. It has been a gentle reminder to find ways to express my creative side.

Though I was annoyed at the lack of sleep/restful sleep I have been having I was also reminded of how many ideas flow to me in the darkest hours. I used to have horrible insomnia fused by worrisome thoughts. Now I can’t wait to snuggle up in bed at an earlier time, however, I realize sometimes if I allow myself to stay awake a bit later (because I’m a night owl by heart) or wake up earlier during the darkest hours my creative juices flow. I think of many great things that I wouldn’t normally think of during the day when I am often on auto pilot.

I have decided that I will take advatage of these shorter days and really be still in the darkness so that I can seek guidance.

In the darkest hours what do you experience?

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VIDEO: Abraham Hicks – Tell A New Story

This is probably one of my favorite’s from Abraham Hicks – full of affirmations for you to use on how to tell the story about your life that will manifest the life that you want. Real good, feel good stuff. xoxo

All recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks.

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Links I’m Lovin: Conscious & Positive Living Blogs

We all have moments where we may need a little encouragement to keep going and stay positive. This encouragement could come in the form of quote, an image that invokes something in you or even a lovely song. What I have found is that there are so many others out there that are willing to share and spread messages on living more consciously and being positive – even during the “bad” times.

I am an avid blog reader and have been blessed to find some of the most wonderful people online. I usually share specific posts on my blog or on social media but I thought it would be fun to share some of the blogs that I always return to knowing that I will find something inspirational. Something that makes me laugh, cry or just want to do better. So take a look below and I hope you find one of these blogs inspires you in some way to live more consciously.

Conscious & Positive Living Blogs

Gala Darling
I absolutely love Gala. She has so many great resources that she shares and I love her story of going through what she calls a “miserable” time in her life and becoming the lovely and inspirational person she is today. I mentioned her before when I wrote about EFT Resources and her book Radical Self-Love: A Guide to Loving Yourself and Living Your Dreams is a confirmation that she not only changed her life by learning to love herself – she wants to share with others how to do the same.

Zen Habits
With its simple and zen-inducing theme, this blog is full of the good stuff. The words that will inspire you to do better. Thought-provoking reminders to stay mindful will get you hooked so that you continue to crave more of what Leo has to share.

Leonie Dawson
Aside from the beautiful artwork featured on her website she offers several resources that have been helping people for many years. She has books, an online training acadamy and other resources available to help you live a more soul-centered life.

Brave Girls Club
“Brave Girls Club is a worldwide community of women (of every age!) who want to live the best, happiest, most productive and fabulously brave life they can possibly live…and that means something different to every single one of us.”What IS the Brave Girls Club

It is full of inspirational quotes, an amazing newsletter, events, crafts and much more! Just going to their website and clicking around can turn my mood around within minutes. Positive images, posts and stories for living a more positive life.

TUT (The Universe Talks)
This website and community is full of people that believe in the magic of The Universe. Positive and conscious living is a way of life at TUT.com. If you want to be inspired check out all of their articles, join the community and make sure you sign up for Notes From the Universe to get a daily reminder of how magical life is.

Positively Present
I mentioned Dani of Positively Present and how much I love her Positively Present playlists

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A Little Thanks & Giving

Even though I have had a rough year I still have much to be thankful for. Today I will be with family and friends celebrating and enjoying each other. I look forward to the holidays simply for the enjoyment of spending time with them.

Today I am thankful for…
+ The friends and family that I was blessed with.
+ My vision and hearing. Without it I wouldn’t be able to see and hear the beauty of the world.
+ Another day to live, love and experience.
+ Clean drinking water since so many are out there without this resource I sometimes take for granted.
+ Early morning meditations.

Today I give to you…
+ 100 things to be thankful for
+ 100 more things to be thankful for
+ Video: compilation of funny cats
+ Video: Compilation of funny kids

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. Please let me know in the comments what you are thankful for today.

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