4 Ways to Open Yourself Up to Love

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”

The quote above really touched me at the core. We often look for love, wait for love and/or hope for love. We know it just has to be out there – we have seen others experience it or we have experienced it ourselves in the past. We look for it (sometimes in the “wrong” places or from the “wrong” people), yet are we really open to receiving it? I know for myself there was a long period of time in my life when I longed and hoped for love, yet I know (now) that I wasn’t prepared for it. I waved a wand of want for love but had a wall built up that prevented it from coming in. Since then I have learned and loved (and found love) several times. Here are 4 ways to open yourself up to love.

4 Ways to Open Yourself Up to Love

1.Find the love you are looking for IN you

Yes – you have to find the love within you to find the love within someone else. Start doing small things that make you feel joy and feel loved. Do romantic gestures for yourself that you would want to receive from someone else. Date yourself – figure out what you love about YOU. Find what is in you that needs to be surrounded by love and pour love into it.

2. Break down your walls

Some people do not even realize that they have walls built up. They could have been built when they were children or formed while they were adults living through heartache and pain. It is okay to have boundaries, however, if you have a wall so tough to break through you will never be able to let someone in and be vulnerable with them.

3. Meditate and/or pray about it

When you go to the divine, the universe, to God things will start opening up for you. Ask for guidance. Ask for a sign. Ask for whatever you think will show you and help you feel love.

4. Start dating

I mentioned about to start dating yourself. Sometimes that is the best way to start. Once you have that down start dating others as well. Go on simple dates to begin with – you can even have group dates with friends. Ask each of them to bring a single friend with them and you can all have at least one person in common to avoid the awkwardness of first dates. If you’re really brave have someone set you up with someone that they think is a match with you – you never know what you may discover in trying new things and meeting new people.

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