Winks From the Universe 02

I enjoyed sharing my previous Winks From the Universe and hearing the responses here and on social media so here are the current Winks From the Universe that I experienced.

Winks From the Universe ConsciousRose

+ Something that I have been waiting and praying on for a couple years now finally came to me. There was a lot of built up frustration, anger and resentment mixed in there so I know that I was partially responsible for holding myself back from this blessing. I have really been focusing on praying, visualizing, meditating and surrendering lately. I have also been consistently using my different affirmations and Switchwords. It really worked!

If you have ever came to a place where you just want to give up – do it. And by “giving up” I mean giving up having to control a situation. Also know as surrendering. As I found myself in tears one day I really let out a huge sigh and surrendered the situation to The Universe. I told spirit it was in their hands now and to guide me if needed. Within 24 hours a response was given to me. So trust that what you wish for is there but sometimes it is bigger than you and you should hand it over to God, Spirit, the Universe and so on.

+ An opportunity to use my skills appeared. I am always up for a challenge and even though I can’t share the details of this wink – it was totally unexpected but I am totally excited about it. When someone points out a skill (or skills) that you have and offers you an opportunity to utilize it – GO FOR IT! I am so excited for it!

+ After surrendering and giving my finances up to the Universe it blessed me with an unexpected BONUS on payday! If that isn’t the best winks ever – I don’t know what is. WHOOMP WHOOMP.

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2 Responses to Winks From the Universe 02

  1. Rhonda Swan says:

    Very interesting points here Rose. Keep up the great work and live unstoppable!

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